
February 4, 2014

Bathroom Vanities

We are still planning on our bathroom renovation and I think in the kid's bathroom we will buy a vanity from Home Depot or Lowes.  I have started looking around and here are some of my favorites. 

Home Depot
Home Depot Martha Stewart
Home Depot Water Creation
Lowes Ove Decors
I am pretty sure I want a simple white or gray vanity. This bathroom will not have a window so I want it to seem as bright as possible. What do you think? Is there another place I should look other than Home Depot & Lowes? I briefly browsed but didn't see much. 


  1. Oh my gosh, I'm in love with that Martha Stewart vanity. What a gorgeous color! I can't really think of another place to look...actually, I have seen cute vanities at Home Goods a few times, but they only seem to stock them sporadically. Good luck in your search!

  2. look at these white vanities I found at -

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